Financial is Our Middle Name
CPAs understand money differently -
Who knows more about personal finance than a CPA? Personal Finance is not just about investing; it’s considering income taxes, budgeting, insurance, estate taxes, financial planning, and much more.
How Risk plays an important role-
Once you hit retirement, managing Risk becomes more and more important. Why? Because once you’re retired, you may not be willing or able to go back to the workplace to replenish losses. And it’s just as easy to be too conservative and miss out on life.
it’s not about the best returns; it’s about meeting your goals -
Reading financial articles or watching too much TV can lead you to feel that everyone is making more from their investments than you. That’s entertainment; that’s not reality. And who cares? The best approach is to establish your retirement goals and to set a plan to get to your goal. The you monitor and make changes both as needed.
having a consistent approach -
Stock pickers have a long history of underperforming the market and that’s backed up by academic research. Just like you’d expect your doctor to follow scientific evidence, we believe that you should follow financial evidence. Consistently following an evidenced-based approach gives you a better chance of meeting your goals and that’s based on academic research.
How Tax planning helps -
Even in retirement taxes can chomp away at your income. There are many tax strategies that can lower that bite.